Wednesday, May 2, 2012


 Hello Peepos!!
Another day! Another giveaway! Online retail store Giddimint ( is giving away a pair of matching belts and brooches to two Style Cravings reader. I'll like to just give it to TWO readers but that won't be fair. So I will make it a contest and do a raffle to decide who wins. TWO readers will walk away with these African print (ankara) accessories designed/made by Oremi Craft.

1. You have to be female
2. You need to have a Nigerian delivery address

Here are the simple steps to follow to enter the giveaway
1. Like giddimint's facebook page
2. Follow giddimint (@giddimint) on twitter and tweet about the giveaway mentioning them and providing a link to the giveaway with the hash tag #stylecravingsgiddimint. eg "I just entered a giveaway on Style Cravings sponsored by @giddimint ......LINK......#stylecravingsgiddimint"
3. Leave a comment here with your facebook and twitter IDs saying you have completed the steps.

Giveaway closes in two weeks time. Winner will be announced in the evening.
