Thursday, March 29, 2012



Yesterday I did a post on the on going conflict between Terrence Sambo of One Nigerian Boy and retail store L'espace. You can read all about it HERE.  In the statement released by L'espace they questioned Terrence's motive saying "we assume this is based on a recent miscommunication with his designer sister of WSClothing Co" .  To address this issue Wana Sambo Clothing has released a very detailed statement saying;
"On the 15th of Feb, 2012, Wana Sambo Clothing, a Womens wear brand, received an e-mail from L’espace, a multi-brand concept store/retail outlet located in Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria, inviting Wana Sambo Clothing to retail at their store through a new revenue model they were testing.

On the 22nd of February, an agreement was entered stating Wana Sambo Clothing was to pay the following to be a part of L’espace:
a)    N50,000 as monthly rent
b)   N15,000 as monthly service charge
c)    Choose from either a 3 months or 6 months upfront payment option
Wana Sambo Clothing chose the 3months  upfront option and paid the sum of N195,000 on the 1st of march, 2012.

Wana Sambo clothing started retailing at L’espace 15th of March and on the 17th of March 2012, a sales report ending 17th of March 2012 was sent to Wana Sambo Clothing with a total of sales for that week.

By the 28th of March, Wana Sambo Clothing received a 2nd sales report ending the 24th of march and it stated the amount of sales made that week with a new term added to it: a 20% commission being taken off sales.  Also attached to that e-mail was an amended version of the first invoice WSC received which now had the total sales plus a 20% commission taken off it.  This meant that a 20% commission would be deducted weekly. Once this e-mail was received, Wana Sambo contacted L’espace to query this new term/development as this had never been stated in any of our written or verbal agreements and L’espace replied saying (a quote from the e-mail) “…the 20% commission was not included in the agreement because we are still testing the new revenue model…” I asked them to put a hold to any payments into my bank account from sales until I get back into the country, as they were aware I was away for a period of time. L’espace replied me the next day with a contract termination notice, making mention of their assumptions that One Nigerian Boy, a fashion blogger, who is also my brother, was sanctioned by my brand to launch a “guerilla attack” against them on twitter.

First of all, It was not stated by L’espace at any point that I would be paying a 20% WEEKLY commission on sales after my rent and service charge had been paid in full. I run my studio at No 11 Augustine Anozie street, Lekki Phase 1, Nigeria, agreeing to retail at L’espace was a way of giving clientele another point of purchase and it seemed a smart way to push for the growth my business.

I would like to make clear that I, Wana Sambo of Wana Sambo Clothing can not influence the topic of Fashion Blogger(s) either as a sister or as a designer in the Nigerian Fashion Industry. Terence Sambo of ONB is a Fashion Blogger and he is within his rights to discuss whatever issues concerning/affecting the fashion industry as he pleases, I cannot ask him to not do his job neither can I tell him how to do it. Mentioning the Wana Sambo brand in a press release about his tweets when he clearly made no mention of Wana Sambo Clothing as the source of his information, simply because he is my brother was most unprofessional.

In reference to a portion of their press release, L’espace attempted to slander the Wana Sambo brand, making all sorts of insinuations about the brand’s financial strength and moneys already paid to them.

L’espace publicly terminated our contract without facts and without giving notice based on the terms of the agreement by both parties. Wana Sambo Clothing has upheld every part of the agreement and L’espace has no right to terminate the contract. L’espace on the other hand has constantly violated the terms of the contract agreement by firstly taking a 20% commission from WSC sales without prior notice, secondly on the same day sending an e-mail saying “Your stock will be taken off the shop floor at 11am today” and “we are more than happy to terminate.” (Please note that I received this e-mail after they had already issued out a press release.)

I sent L’espace an e-mail asking them to take down the press release as it was wrongly aimed but they still have not up until now, 30th March, 2012 at 1:53am. Wana Sambo Clothing has also not gotten a reply to the e-mail sent to L’espace addressing this issue.

I am not trying to be a whistle blower but for the sake of entrepreneurial spirit, I hope this issue can be settled more amicably as it has already been blown out of proportion."

Wow!! this is just ridiculous! What do you think guys? Is L'espace exploiting their clients? to help you answer that check this out ONB 



Right now I am depressed and I think this is what depressed people do, wallow in self pity and tell the whole world they hate them and post depressing images. So that is what I am going to do. Feel free to feel sorry for me and tell me everything will be fine. I tried to be fashionably depressed by dressing up and wearing lipstick with the fanciest sunglasses ever, but it didn't work, it just made me feel ugly. Spring break has commenced and I'll be leaving tomorrow and I'm supposed to be happy and have a blast (I hope so!) I almost cancelled my flight ticket today because I was depressed but my friends convinced me otherwise and swore that my depression will disappear once we land in Abuja (Abuja air must be filled with anti-depressants, I never noticed). I am however looking forward to going home later in the week and crying to my mother about how nobody gets me and my imaginary bipolar disorder. Don't forget to feel sorry for me!

P.S I'm not traveling with my Laptop, so there will be no posts for a week. I hope you miss me!



Fashion blogger/photographer of the popular blog One Nigerian Boy last night took to twitter to confront retail store L'espace on their "unfair treatment" of designers. He pointed out that the store was exploiting designers and struck quite a few chords. After a few tweets, L'espace released an official statement and also replied some of the concerned blogger's tweets. Check out tweets from both parties.


Here is the official statement released by L'espace

“Addressing the various allegations and claims made by Terence Sambo of @OneNigerianBoy tonight, the L’Espace team is simultaneously shocked and saddened to hear that anyone feels this way and we assume this is based on a recent miscommunication with his designer sister of WSClothing Co. First off, we’d like to clear up a few things. On bearing zero risk – Millions of naira in initial investment is very far from being zero risk. Anyone who runs an SME in this particularly hostile environment, would beg to differ, and perhaps even take offence at this cavalier attitude towards the risk any entrepreneur takes. And ironically, the commission actually gives us MORE of an onus to sell, simply because if we don’t sell. We make nothing. The fee as is, is nominal at best. On stock – We require SIX pieces minimum. Whatever the designer decides to do upward of that is his/her decision. And to be precise, the store is 670 sqm in total. Abuse is a very strong term and as one of the core L’Espace team is a designer herself, we find it irresponsible that this word (which conjures up images of slavery and child labor) is being used in this context at all. On ‘ridiculous demands’ ….. At every point we try to involve our vendors in the process and attempt to be as flexible as we can. The rate we are asking plus commission is paltry and whilst it might seem monumental at first, designers NEED to break out of the cycle of ‘spend the cash flow’and living from order to order. Until you can produce and distribute at a certain level you will NEVER grow. On wannabe stylists …. It is clearly communicated to designers when their stuff is being used for an outside shoot or pulled by an outside stylist. However, when it is used for in-house content creation we assume notice is not necessary unless otherwise stated, simply because we are already liable for damage etc by default. For the record, we have worked with many ‘non-wannabe’ stylists Veronica Ebie-Odeka of Vane Style, Bolaji Animashaun, Lucy Love and Funmi SMD to name a few. On the following tweet most irritated by is dat they’re running d biz like dem guys in suits. Dere shld more soul since one of d owners is a designer 2 we will not be commenting because we feel it is unprofessional and the opinion of the blogger/tweeter, however misguided, is his own. In general … L’Espace is a 3 month old business with huge running costs. The initial business idea was based on the premise that most young, up and coming designers cannot afford the high rent and maintenance costs of a space like ours, hence the cooperative competition model. Unfortunately, should a designer be unable to cover the 50k+ sum plus commission, that is an indication that perhaps, the business is not quite ready to go past the incubator stage yet. Lastly, we are a growing business and try our very best to find a business model that works for all parties and will help our industry grow from where it really matters – commerce. We changed it a little to be more accommodating and we have been pleased with the results so far. We are understandably distraught that WSClothing Co will be leaving us momentarily, we wish you the best of luck going forward.”

Ahhhh!!! fashion people drama!!! So what do you guys think? Are both sides making sense?



Wednesday, March 28, 2012


 So far, we have seen two different magazines for May 2012 featuring gorgeous women rocking Prada spring/summer 2012 bathing suit. Candice Swanepoel is giving us sex appeal on the cover of GQ in this red and black Prada number while Victoria Beckham is giving us sultry in this metallic silver and blue piece. Feisty!!



 I am so excited right now, one would think I had a stake in Virgos lounge. For those that read this blog a lot this is not the first time the name Virgos lounge is popping up. So news broke on twitter this morning that Virgos Lounge is collaborating with high street store Top Shop. Virgos lounge is a UK based designer label, owned by three Nigerian ladies Fioye, Oyeyemi, and Nike. Famous for their pret-a-porter vintage inspired contemporary pieces, I can't wait to see how it is going to be tailored to the high street market. I predict summer dresses with the Virgos Lounge signature sequins in different pastels, cute shorts and minis. It will be available by the end of April..... I can't wait!!! can you?
Will update you when more information is released.



photography by Demilade Roberts

  The future of Nigerian fashion is bright indeed as up and coming talented fashion designer Omoyele Ogundipe officially introduces her line Femme by Yele with these ad campaign showcasing five dresses, she collectively titled The FBY Lady (FBY stands for femme by Yele). Omoyele's designs are feminine and exude elegance and luxury. According to her, this is what Femme by Yele is all about and what the FBY lady represents.

  " Femme by Yele (FBY) is a line targeted at the young glamourous lady. It is all about accentuating the curves of a woman in a delicate way, making her look sexy in a subtle manner. FBY designs are contemporary  with feminine silhouettes that tell a story that all women, African or not can relate to. The African woman is confined by the society to dress in a certain way and with the evolution of fashion, we see women breaking out from this confinement. FBY is here to help even the average woman establish a glam factor that can compete with the western world. With unique designs that portray the lady factor inside a woman letting you play princess or whatever sophisticated fantasy a woman might have.  FBY designs appeal more to the curvy bodacious woman, I'm not saying I wouldn't want a skinny woman wearing my clothes but i think there is too much emphasis on being skinny. The woman with curves is probably the most confident woman in a room and i want that confidence to also come through in my clothes. The identity of an African woman is in her figure and i want to dress that. During my creative process i think about a woman i refer to as the ' The FBY Lady' ; she is a woman with curves, she embraces her sexiness, she is never afraid to go all out when it comes to glamor…she is a woman of class. The FBY Lady is a woman who loves to have fun,whose looks are her priority. The FBY woman is not defined by her clothes she is her clothes. The FBY Lady is who I had in mind when shooting this ad campaign hence the title of the campaign and with the help of bold colours, feminine cuts, the right ambience and my great team, we were able to bring this woman, 'The FBY Lady', to life. "

To enquire about her designs you can email FEMME BY YELE


Sunday, March 25, 2012


 This weekend, the style spotlight is on Bunmi Okoya. Bunmi's Style embodies minimalistic chic with a hint of edginess. She has a good eye for fashion and is one of the most stylish people I know. She's not afraid to be a nonconformist and yet her style comes off as effortless and easy. She is a style personality to reckon with, you can see that for yourself.


Saturday, March 24, 2012


 These River Island white wedge high top sneakers are a must have for me and also very affordable. I came across them while surfing River Island's website this evening and it was love at first sight, I immediately added it to my bag and clicked pay but there was some issues with using an American credit card in Nigeria for a UK store. So I am going to have to be patient till the problem is sorted. Hopefully they won't be out of stock by then (fingers crossed). I can't wait...............



Friday, March 23, 2012


 If there is any fashionista that truly inspires me, it will be Marian Kihogo. She is confident, fierce and original, I don't think anyone else can get away with dressing like her. Her collection of turbans and eclectic jewellery will probably make any true fashionista green with envy. Her style is truly unique and she stays true to it. Her outfits always emit strength and she does a killer arm party. She is not afraid to layer and mix patterns and print, ahhh!! she's like fashion's superwoman to me. I know... I can go on and on about how extraordinary she is (I'm a Marian Stan). Miss Kihogo is a celebrity fashion stylist and blogger. you can check out her blog HERE


Thursday, March 22, 2012


 The Economist's Intelligent life magazine features award winning and talented actress on the cover of their latest edition. But this is no ordinary cover, this is a cover with an agenda against Photoshop! Cate looks absolutely stunning and real in this shot with her wrinkles and gracefully aging face depicted without being airbrushed. 

The magazine's Editor Tim Lisle commented on the new cover:
"When other magazines photograph actresses, they routinely end up running heavily Photoshopped images, with every last wrinkle expunged. Their skin is rendered so improbably smooth that, with the biggest stars, you wonder why the photographer didn’t just do a shoot with their waxwork.

It’s a supreme example of having it both ways. Publishers want a recognizable person on the cover, with a real career; but they also want an empty vessel—for clothes and jewellery and make-up, which often seem to be supplied by the advertisers with the most muscle. (One cover shoot we spotted this week even had a credit for a fragrance. You would hope that the readers smelt a rat.) The actresses end up playing two conflicting roles: both modern women and throwbacks, both something to aspire to and something to negate.

Cate Blanchett, by contrast, appears on our cover in her working clothes, with the odd line on her face and faint bags under her eyes. She looks like what she is—a woman of 42, spending her days in an office, her evenings on stage and the rest of her time looking after three young children"



Wednesday, March 21, 2012


  I am crushing on KK's hair, the braids are so long and totally giving me the Solange Vibe. I had to take pictures of KK yesterday, and don't you just love her cute outfit? I like that her personality shows through the way she dresses, and it compliments the hair too. I am completely buying what she's selling.