Monday, April 23, 2012


Hey guys!!hope you had a fun filled weekend? Today I'm introducing you to a new online retail store for high street urban clothing called Giddimint. Here is the press release from Giddimint. 
    "In response to a growing demand for indigenous urban apparel / street wear, we have created an online store fashioned specifically for the Nigerian market. Birthed in September of 2011, Giddimint is positioned to be the premier online urban clothing store in Nigeria as we have tailored our services to meet the peculiar demands of the Lagos/Nigerian market. " 
"It is generally believed that Music and Fashion are sister industries and if this holds true, then the recent boom in the Nigerian Music Industry also portends a similar growth in the fashion industry. Giddimint is poised to streamline the distribution of these fashion items by creating a distribution network that will span the whole country and what this ultimately means for the urban/street-wear designer in Jos is that he/she can get his/her items to a customer in Ibadan easily with Giddimint acting as a conduit"
"Quality and service are our watch words and every item sold on Giddimint is put through rigorous tests so that our customers know they are getting value for their money. We also have a dedicated customer care number, e-mail address and BlackBerry PIN for customers who may have complaints or enquiries.
Giddimint is owned by Okeke ‘Kelo who has more than 8 years experience in the Nigerian urban fashion industry. In his late 20s, Kelo as he is popularly known, attended Kings College Lagos and is a biochemistry graduate of the University of Lagos. He currently works with a leading global IT firm"
Giddimint is live on and you can reach us on:
Tel: 08131959006