Friday, January 14, 2011


 Like most young ladies, I have had issues with my body. I wanted to be really skinny and I hated my boobs. Even when I was skinny, I wanted to be skinnier but I love food and detest rigorous exercise. And these have made me come to the conclusion that I can never be stick skinny and the sooner I accept that fact the better. So now I am learning to own my body and I'm wishing myself luck :).
   This post isn't encouraging being fat or laziness. I exercise in my very special way and I am most definitely not fat. With that said I'm going to introduce myself, "My name is Michi and I am not skinny... and from now on I will try to refrain from calling myself fat". Every girl out there that feels like she's too skinny or fat should do the same, because your body belongs to you and it isn't going anywhere so it's better you start loving and caring for it.